30 Ιουν 2020

You are my poem

So many months later and we're still together. I never thought I'd be with you for so long. We've been through a lot and today I heard your voice saying my name and I lost my mind and my words. It was so wonderful and exciting that I started pacing up and down the house.

I want to touch you and give you all the love you deserve and more baby. There are so many things I want to say to you. But whenever we talk my mind fills with so much love I forget everything. 
I just want to hug you and kiss you and be with you. Your presence in my life brings me so much joy and hope. 

Every time I feel you close I am my better self, I'm flying high. You are the perfect drug, the most incredible thought. I keep thinking you right next to me. And the mere thought that you feel the same is intoxicating. I want the whole world to know how much I love you.
I love you L. 

1 σχόλιο:

Πες κάτι, ή μάλλον γράψε αυτό που σκέφτεσαι! :)

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